The buyers are thinking, "That seems like a fair deal, let’s hope it’s still on the market when we get up there."
And buyers are planning which homes they will be visiting upon arrival — “That seems like a good deal, let’s be sure to take a look at that one.”
The most serious buyers are taking time off of work and buying plane tickets — "Now that’s a GREAT DEAL, let’s take a look today or tomorrow before someone else buys it."
The buyers know it's a BAD DEAL and are saying to themselves, "What are those clowns smoking?"
and we would urge you NOT to discuss your particular situation with ANY broker until you actually sign a listing agreement OR a non-disclosure agreement. Remember, your conversations with potential brokers are not confidential under law unless you sign an agreement that says otherwise.
There’s lots of other factors besides time and money, but these are usually the big ones.
Remember, use all available resources and your best judgment to determine how you think our local property values will fare into the future, recognize the consequences of having a less-than-perfect crystal ball, and come to terms with your personal motivations to sell.