in·teg·ri·ty | in-ˈte-grə-tē
a: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
b: adherence to a set of professional values, where a person tells the truth, keeps their promises, and treats others fairly.
requires INTEGRITY. But that doesn't mean you're always going to hear what you want.
Often it can take weeks or months of preparation to truly help you maximize your profit ..... and if that's your goal .....
It happens time after time .....
the broker who suggests the highest price gets the listing ..... the seller forgets all about marketing plans, the consistent ability to handle requests for showings, or negotiating skill. The more money the seller is led to believe they can get, the better that broker must be.
One of the most surprising results of the buyer survey above? Confirmation that print advertising has become almost completely irrelevant in capturing buyers.
And while magazine and newspaper ads might be great for promoting a broker’s self-interests, those same advertising venues have become an irrelevant tool in promoting your property.
Please do not allow yourself to be led to believe that a broker’s strong presence in the local print media has anything to do with being a marketing expert on your behalf.