Zak Himmelman
Mike Krueger
(970) 470-3060
Provide answers, as you can, to the following questions and we'll make the best valuation of your property based on the available information.
Your First Name:*
Your Last Name:*
Phone:* (no spaces or symbols, just 10 digits)
Preferred contact method: Phone Email
Relationship to the Owner of Record:
Street Address & City of Subject Property
Building and Unit # (if applicable)
Legal name of property owner or tax assessor's schedule number:
Any other initial information you feel is relevant to start the process:
Is the property deed restricted in any manner? If yes, please explain in detail:
Total livable square feet (do not include garage or unfinished basement areas):
Total garage spaces or deeded parking spots (be specific):
Number of bedrooms:
Number of bathrooms (please detail tubs/showers/sinks/toilets):
Acreage, if any:
Rental history (two years of gross annual rents, if available):
Significant re-models (explain in detail, cost & when completed):
Total cost of construction, only if you built it of course, and completion date (include permit fees, architectural fees, cost of land, tap fees, utility access costs, etc.):
Any known special assessments (how much, when due, what for and whether buyer or seller pays it?):
Location features (i.e. adjacent to national forest? bus stop nearby? ski in? walk to slopes?):
Covenant restrictions (i.e. no short-term rentals or no pets allowed?):
Are you willing to bring the home up to "showcase condition"? Are you willing to stage it if not already nicely furnished? Clean it? Empty it of all your belongings prior to listing? Maintain exterior/hot tub/yard while on market? Based on these answers, what will the overall condition of property be when it comes on the market (i.e. showcase, average, cosmetically challenged, etc.):
What types of home inspection issues do you have? Structural problems? Roofing issues? Plumbing and heating systems all working correctly? Mold? Radon? List all known issues and whether they will be repaired at your expense prior to sale date:
Is your home fully "conforming" with all building permits in hand and appropriate tap fees paid? Or did you do an addition or add a bathroom/bedroom/other square footage that the "code clowns" don't know about? Explain in detail:
Furnishings included? Electronics? Wall hangings? Linens? Kitchenware? Partially furnished? Explain in detail and include the $$ value of the furnishings to YOU:
Are there any "outside" influences that may affect the value of your property? i.e. a disco ballroom going in next door? A neighbor with an unkempt yard? An easement that allows a utility company to erect a 100 ft. tall transmission tower right in front of your view corridor?
Access information: (how to get in, when available to see, etc.)
Do I have permission to take a few photos strictly for personal use and to remind myself of certain finishes and attributes I feel are important to incorporate into the valuation? Yes No
Your personal estimate of value in today's market and current condition of property:
Any other value-specific details about the property. Please share whatever other information you feel is relevant:
If you're serious about setting a price for your property, I'll need more information to provide an accurate and meaningful valuation. If these questions feel daunting, call my cell: 970 485-1815, and I'll collect the info over the phone.
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